What is crabgrass?

Crabgrass is an annual turfgrass weed. Crabgrass has the ability to crowd out the desired turfgrass in your lawn, especially during adverse growing conditions.
How does crabgrass get in my lawn?
Crabgrass reproduces by seed. The seeds can already be present in your lawn or carried into your lawn by wind and critters such as birds, rodents, etc.
Why should I treat crabgrass?
1. Unappealing to the Eye - The presense of crabgrass can be unappealing to the eye and can interrupt the uniform look of your lawn.
2. Brown Spots - Crabgrass is typically killed by the first frost in the fall. If the crabgrass has crowded out the desired grass in your lawn, unsightly brown spots will appear where the crabgrass no longer exists.
3. Drought Conditions - Crabgrass is better equipped than the typical desired turfgrass in your lawn. If left untreated, crabgrass can quickly spread in adverse growing conditions.
2. Brown Spots - Crabgrass is typically killed by the first frost in the fall. If the crabgrass has crowded out the desired grass in your lawn, unsightly brown spots will appear where the crabgrass no longer exists.
3. Drought Conditions - Crabgrass is better equipped than the typical desired turfgrass in your lawn. If left untreated, crabgrass can quickly spread in adverse growing conditions.
How do you treat crabgrass?
Crabgrass can be treat pre or post emergence. Crabgrass is controlled much easier before it has emerged from the soil. Flogel Lawn Care uses a pre-emergent herbicide to treat lawns before crabgrass is noticed in the lawn.
What else should I do to prevent crabgrass?
1. Cut your lawn at the appropriate height - If you cut your lawn too short, it will allow crabgrass seeds to get enough sunlight to germinate. You should always follow two general rules when cutting your lawn. First, you should cut your grass at the height according to the chart below. Second, never remove more than one third of the surface area of your grass.
2. Water your lawn - Crabgrass is better equipped to grow during adverse conditions than most desired turfgrass. To prevent your lawn from being overrun by undesired weeds, water your lawn during times of low moisture.
Why Flogel Lawn Care?
1. Buying Power - Flogel Lawn Care buys product in bulk, allowing us to be competitive on price. Many times we can treat your lawn for less than using your typical retail brands.
2. Pesticide + Fertilizer - Flogel Lawn Care's crabgrass treatment also includes a 60 day slow release spring fertilizer. The pesticide used is also effective against other undesired weeds such as watergrass.
3. Professional Expertise and Application - Flogel Lawn Care is licensed, insured, and all applicators are certified by the State of Iowa to apply pesticides. We calibrate our equipment to apply a safe amount of pesticide and fertilizer to your lawn.
2. Pesticide + Fertilizer - Flogel Lawn Care's crabgrass treatment also includes a 60 day slow release spring fertilizer. The pesticide used is also effective against other undesired weeds such as watergrass.
3. Professional Expertise and Application - Flogel Lawn Care is licensed, insured, and all applicators are certified by the State of Iowa to apply pesticides. We calibrate our equipment to apply a safe amount of pesticide and fertilizer to your lawn.
Source: Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual: Ornamental, Turf, and Greenhouse Pest Management
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